List of Lavender Essential Oil Side Effects

Before using lavender essential oil, it’s important to know what it can do to your body. Its side effects include Sleepiness, Dizziness, and Tiredness. You should consult a healthcare provider if you’re taking any other medications, vitamins, or herbal products.

what are the side effects of lavender oil

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Carcinogenic properties

Lavender is a flower that is native to the Mediterranean region. Its name comes from a Latin word that means “to wash.” The flower has been used in folk medicine for centuries and is commonly used in aromatherapy. The flowers are also used to make teas and extracts. Although there is no evidence that lavender can cure cancer, it can be used as a pain reliever for some people suffering from cancer.

Lavender essential oil may also trigger allergic contact dermatitis in some people. Some women have reported experiencing facial rashes after putting lavender flower satchels into their pillowcases. Breast cancer researchers are also wary of lavender for this reason. Several studies have been conducted in this area to determine the safety of lavender and other essential oils.

The molecule linalool is a constituent of lavender essential oil and has been used to treat tumor cells in mice. This compound has a strong antioxidant effect. Moreover, it is able to kill tumor cells. It also has anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory effects. In one study, lavender oil had a strong inhibitory effect on a human hepatocyte cell line (HCAM) for 48 hours. This study indicates that lavender essential oil inhibits cell growth by targeting DNA-damaging molecules.

Lavender essential oil has antiproliferative properties against prostate cancer. Its major constituents linalool and linalyl acetate inhibit cell proliferation and promote apoptosis, suggesting that it may be useful in the treatment of prostate cancer. Further studies are needed to identify the exact mechanism of action of lavender essential oil.


There are numerous benefits of lavender essential oil, including improved sleep. Many studies have shown that it can reduce the effects of stress and anxiety and improve sleep quality. In addition, lavender can reduce the likelihood of waking up in the middle of the night. Researchers have even reported that lavender can help improve the quality of sleep in college students.

Other benefits of lavender oil include reducing anxiety and pain during cosmetic procedures. Research has shown that lavender essential oil is effective for relieving pain associated with migraines. It can also be used to treat menopausal symptoms. When combined with other essential oils, lavender essential oil has been shown to improve the recovery process of women undergoing menopause.

People who suffer from diabetes and are pregnant should avoid lavender oil. It may cause allergies and may be harmful for an unborn child. Women who are breastfeeding should also avoid it. People with a history of allergies to essential oils should discuss their use with their health care provider before using lavender.

In a 2005 American study, lavender essential oil inhalation significantly improved sleep quality, particularly for mild to moderate insomnia. In addition, lavender essential oil improved the overall health of the participants. In addition, it did not cause unwanted sedative effects. It also improved subsyndromal anxiety disorder. A study published in The Lancet showed that lavender essential oil aromatherapy can reduce the rate of rebound insomnia in benzodiazepine-dependent patients.


Lavender is a natural ingredient that may cause dizziness in some people. Lavender may also affect blood pressure, so you should consult your doctor before using it. It may also cause other side effects, including blurred vision and burning eyes. You should not use it during pregnancy or if you are nursing. It may also cause nausea and vomiting, so it is best to talk to a healthcare provider before using it.

Lavender essential oil is an excellent diuretic. It stimulates the body to urinate more frequently. Frequent urination is important for flushing out unwanted toxins, and it prevents the development of kidney stones. In addition, the scent is soothing and relaxing.

Its calming effects have led to a variety of benefits, including relief from stress and anxiety. Lavender can also help with vertigo by clearing the mind and improving airways, ensuring proper oxygenation to the brain. The essential oil is also said to soothe nausea and other symptoms associated with vertigo.

Lavender essential oil can also increase blood circulation. It helps reduce blood pressure and coronary tension and improves cognitive function. Furthermore, it helps the digestive tract move food. It also increases the amount of bile and gastric juices, promoting digestion.


Lavender essential oil has been found to relieve tiredness, a side effect that is common among patients who are undergoing cardiac rehabilitation. The study also found that lavender and peppermint essential oils had a calming effect on patients in the cardiac care unit (CCU). The results of the study indicate that the two essential oils may be useful for reducing fatigue. Further studies should investigate whether different concentrations of lavender essential oil are effective in reducing fatigue.

Lavender has been used for centuries as a traditional medicine, and it has a variety of biological effects. Several studies have found evidence that lavender is effective in treating anxiety and restlessness. In fact, a standardized version of lavender essential oil has been approved for use in Germany as a treatment for restlessness caused by anxiety. It is marketed under the trade name LASEA(r).

Lavender is also effective for relieving migraine pain. It may reduce nausea and pain and help prevent a migraine from spreading. It may also help with ear pain. However, a large dosage of lavender essential oil may increase the risk of nausea and vomiting. It is important to consult a healthcare professional before taking lavender essential oil.

Lavender essential oil is effective for treating anxiety and stress. It may also help improve your mood. It has been used since ancient times to treat digestive disorders, alleviate stress, and fight depression. But its potential side effects include the side effect of tiredness.


The use of lavender essential oil has been associated with a number of benefits, including reducing stress. This soothing oil has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties. It is also purported to have analgesic and anxiolytic properties, and is believed to enhance the immune system. Lavender has a wide variety of benefits and is generally considered safe.

However, this oil can have side effects on pregnant and nursing women. While it is generally safe, lavender can cause irritation to the skin and can affect hormonal levels. As such, it is best to use this oil with caution, especially during the third trimester. Always consult with your doctor before using any essential oils.

Lavender oil has been shown to decrease stress and anxiety in a study. In fact, lavender has been known to be an excellent sedative for people undergoing anesthesia and surgical procedures. Its calming properties make it a great choice for people dealing with PTSD. In addition to relaxing the body, lavender helps to improve sleep quality. It is also good for people who suffer from insomnia, as it helps regulate the heart rate and regulates the autonomic nervous system.

Its relaxing and anxiolytic effects mean that it can reduce anxiety and depression. Research has also demonstrated that lavender essential oil reduces the rate of resting heartbeat, and lowers the rate of heartbeats. In addition to this, it has been shown to reduce the length of time spent awake. Additionally, lavender oil reduces restlessness and morning fatigue.


Lavender essential oil is a popular natural remedy used for a variety of health benefits. It reduces stress and boosts cognitive function. It has also been used to treat acne. Acne is a common problem for adults and is characterized by the buildup of sebum on the skin. Lavender essential oil can help with the healing process and prevent infections.

It may help with the pain and nausea associated with migraines. It can also help to reduce the spread of a headache. Lavender can also be effective in treating ear infections. However, it’s important to consult your doctor before using this essential oil. It may interact with other medications or supplements.

If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, don’t use lavender essential oil. Lavender may cause gynecomastia. Lavender is not safe for children, so make sure you consult with your doctor before using it. Besides addressing skin concerns, lavender may help combat microbes that contribute to acne. It may also keep biting insects away.

Lavender is also an effective sedative. It reduces anxiety and stress levels and is sometimes used in surgical procedures. Hence, it should be avoided by people undergoing anesthesia. It may also increase the effectiveness of prescribed medications.