What Do You Need to Know About Chlorine in Drinking Water?

By Peter Alderton

Our drinking water is known to contain a number of potentially harmful chemicals, pesticides, prescription drugs, and various other components. Chlorine in drinking water is known to be a fairly common problem. How dangerous is it though? What can be done about this problem? Here are some of the things that you should know about drinking water containing chlorine.

To most people, chlorine in drinking water sounds like a very annoying problem, but also a fairly harmless one. It just seems like a gross problem, which no one wants to deal with. Perhaps this mindset is due to the fact that chlorine in tap water is a problem that is known to affect many. Keep in mind that water containing chlorine is not at all harmless, however. It can cause a number of different adverse side effects over time.

For a very long time, chlorine in drinking water was believed to be very safe. Unlike other harmful substances or drugs found in drinking water, chlorine actually served a purpose. It was to prevent harmful diseases that could be passed through water, such as dysentery.

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Since it was so useful, many experts encouraged chlorinated water. However, a number of recent studies have shown that drinking water containing chlorine can cause cancerous tumors. Although it can cause all types of cancer, chlorinated water is mainly believed to cause cancer of the bladder and colon.

In addition to causing cancer, water containing chlorine can harm the body in other ways. Children may experience developmental problems if they drink water contaminated with chlorine. Many experts believe that it can cause side effects such as headaches, stomach conditions, and various other side effects.

Most people make the assumption that you can smell or taste chlorine in drinking water. Keep in mind that this is not always the case, however. Much like prescription drugs found in drinking water, you are often unable to smell or taste chlorine that is in our water. While there are some people who have a high enough percentage to be able to taste it, there are many people who have chlorine in their water that do not realize it is there.

If you think that chlorine in drinking water is a problem that is affecting you, a water treatment system may be a good idea for you. There are many different water treatment systems which can reduce the chlorine in your drinking water. All that you need to do is find the right one for your water contamination problem!

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