Orange Essential Oil

Does Orange Oil Clog Pores?

The antibacterial, anti-aging and skin-brightening properties of Orange Essential Oil are a major draw for consumers. However, it’s important to be cautious and test the oil first before applying it to your skin. Also, avoid using it near sensitive areas such as your eyes, inner nose, or ears. If you don’t notice any allergic reaction after application, it’s safe to use the oil. However, people with citrus fruit allergies should avoid using this essential oil.

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Is Orange Essential Oil Antifungal?

Orange essential oil may be helpful in treating a variety of infections. It has therapeutic effects on the respiratory system and has been used for exercise, including reducing running times and increasing lung function. However, more research is needed to prove its benefits. Orange essential oil has also been used to promote weight loss. In one study, overweight rats were fed capsules containing orange essential oil and experienced reduced weight gain and decreased cholesterol.

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