5 Reasons a Mattress Can Make You Sick

You may be wondering if a mattress can make you sick, but did you know that there are some health risks associated with mattresses? These include dust mites, benzene, mold, Yeast, and Benzene. If you’re not sure what they are, read our guide. We’ll go over the most common ones, so you can decide whether a new mattress is right for you.

can a mattress make you sick

Dust mites

If you’ve ever woken up to find redness, swelling, or itching on your skin, you’ve probably been bitten by a dust mite. You might also have been exposed to an allergen that has triggered your immune system to overreact. To determine whether or not you’re allergic to dust mites, your doctor will use a blood test called immunoglobulin E (IgE). An excessive amount of this antibody in the blood can indicate a serious allergy. Fortunately, there are some simple solutions to reduce exposure to dust mites.

You can remove dust mites from your bed by washing your sheets and coverings with a mild detergent. A more effective method is to purchase a mattress that contains a dust-mite-proof cover. Dust mites are microscopic insects that live in beds and other places, where they feed on the dead skin cells of people and pets. Their droppings contain a protein allergen that can trigger allergy symptoms.


Benzene, also known as methyl benzene, is a chemical found naturally in petroleum, which is used to make polyurethane. The World Health Organization lists benzene as a probable carcinogen. Benzene is also used in the manufacture of acetone, which can be highly toxic. Using it in large quantities can cause nausea, headaches, and burning in the eyes. It is also a known irritant for the nose, throat, and skin.

In addition to being toxic, polyurethane is also known to contain high levels of benzene. The added chemicals are not disclosed on the label, so the chemicals can remain in the mattress after manufacturing. People who are concerned about chemicals should opt for organic mattresses. However, organic mattresses do not last as long and do not offer adequate support. You can opt for natural materials like cotton or wool if you want to avoid polyurethane.


Biological pollutants such as mold, mildew, and bacteria can breed in mattresses. If not eliminated, these pollutants can lead to health problems, ranging from allergy symptoms to more severe respiratory problems. If left untreated, mold can even lead to death. Unfortunately, mold is hard to remove and clean. It can also make your mattress odorous. In order to avoid being a victim of mold, it’s important to prevent its growth by using a mattress cover and following manufacturer’s instructions.

The mold spores in your mattress can cause health problems, including a rash on the affected area. Additionally, prolonged exposure to mold may cause a variety of respiratory problems, including congestion and exhaustion. Symptoms of this type of exposure typically improve once you leave the affected area. Mold can also lead to the development of a lung infection, so it’s important to make sure you avoid a mattress with this problem.


If you’ve ever wondered if a mattress has fungus, you’re not alone. The fungi, or “yeast,” can cause a variety of ailments. Some of these illnesses include fungal infections like Tinea Cruris and Tinea Versicolor, and staph bacteria, like Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. According to a recent study, the average bed mattress contains 2461 more bacteria than a bathroom doorknob!

Yeast can also cause a high fever, which is a sign of a serious infection. The most common form of invasive candidiasis requires hospitalization and IV anti-fungal treatment. The symptoms of this infection are similar to those of sepsis. Yeast is an irritant to the immune system, so if you have a mattress with a high amount of it, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.


Did you know that a mattress can make you sick? Bacteria on a mattress is a serious problem. In fact, one-third of Americans will trek into their bedroom in their shoes, bringing a whole lot of bacteria and germs with them. After two weeks, the soles of shoes could harbor up to 400,000 bacteria colonies. These bacteria are most likely picked up from public bathrooms and animal droppings.

In addition to bacteria and fungi, mattresses and pillows can harbor as many as 47 different species of mould. The ideal environment for mould and bacteria to thrive is created by the body’s own heat, sweat and fabric fibres. Breathing in these spores can cause allergies and even worse asthma attacks. The worst offenders are the pillows made of synthetic materials, but natural down pillows may protect you against the danger of these bacteria thanks to their antimicrobial properties.


Bedbugs can cause you harm without causing any physical symptoms. These insects live close to the bed’s food source, which is your mattress. They may also live in other parts of the bed, including folds, seams, and tufts. They may also be present on your bed frame and headboard. They will leave blood spots and cast skins on your bedding, and may also hide in cracks, baseboards, area rugs, and loose wallpaper or electrical plates.

In some cases, bedbug bites may cause significant blood loss over time, and some individuals may develop anemia from the frequent exposure to these pests. Depending on the size of the bedbugs, their feeding may last anywhere from three to 15 minutes. These bugs prefer to feed at night, on exposed areas. Because of this, heavy feeding has been known to result in significant blood loss and complication.

Body heat

While sleeping, body heat from a mattress can make you sick. A recent study conducted at the Mount Sinai Hospital found that mattresses that are too warm can make you sick. Most of the complaints came from owners of memory foam and innerspring mattresses. However, there are a few things you can do to avoid sleeping too hot. Here are a few tips. This is an essential health tip: If you can’t stand the heat of a mattress, make sure to air out your mattress.

Many mattresses contain flame retardants and VOCs that are harmful to your health. These chemicals can cause irritation, headaches, and organ damage. Some of them are even linked to an increased risk of cancer. In one study, researchers used eight types of polyurethane mattresses to see which of them made people sick. The researchers also found that body heat stimulated the release of more VOCs from the mattresses. The amount of VOCs in a mattress is far lower than what might cause health problems, but they are still dangerous.

Lumpy mattress

The reason why you might feel groggy or irritable in the morning is likely due to your mattress. Poor mattress support prevents your body from reaching its deep sleep cycles, which are essential for restorative sleep. A bad mattress can cause these symptoms, including aches and pains in your muscles. Lumpy mattresses are not only uncomfortable, but they can also lead to diseases and chronic health conditions. Here are three reasons why you should change your mattress.

Dust particles are often deposited in mattresses. The average home generates forty pounds of dust per year, and much of this dust lands on your mattress. It contains bacteria and pollen, and is difficult to clean. Most homeowners learn about these problems after years have passed and find it difficult to make the necessary repairs. Therefore, it’s critical to choose a new mattress whenever possible. For this reason, you should invest in a new one, and wash your sheets regularly.

Poor quality mattress

If you have been using the same old mattress for several years, it might be time to get a new one. Sleeping on an old mattress can lead to various respiratory symptoms. The presence of bacteria and dust mites in a mattress can cause illnesses and even make you ill. Besides smelling bad, a contaminated mattress is also likely to harbor hidden chemicals that can lead to skin and respiratory problems. The good news is that there are several simple steps that you can take to keep your mattress clean and free of bugs and mites.

If your mattress has lumps, it’s time to replace it. If it’s lumpy and uneven, you may find it difficult to fall asleep. It’s also hard to find a corner of the mattress that is level. This can negatively affect your sleep and health. A poor quality mattress can make you feel ill and cause you to have a difficult time waking up. To prevent this from happening, purchase a new mattress.